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  2. About the Sponsors on the CrowdStreet platform

What does the sponsor designation mean?

We believe expertise is gained through experience, with sponsors transacting on numerous deals across multiple commercial real estate cycles. A more established sponsor’s network of banking relationships and capital sources complement their expertise, providing negotiating benefits and help bring favorable terms to a project. We tier our sponsors based on their experience and track record so our investors can get a sense of the firm behind the deal.


Sponsor Designation Age of Firm Principal Experience Historical Capitalization Additional Requirements
Enterprise 15+ years 30+ years Must be $5B+
  • Has a national platform
  • Ranked in the top 250 for estimated value of total holdings per Real Capital Analytics
Tenured 10+ years 20+ years Must be $500 MM+
  • Principles have invested together over multiple cycles
  • Dedicated investor relations & accounting staff
Seasoned 5+ years 10+ years Must be $100 MM+
  • Existing network of repeat investors
  • Established banking relationships
  • Affiliations with national industry associations ULI, NAOIP, CCIM, SIOR, or IREM
Emerging <5 Years 5 years (at least 2) May be < $100MM
  • Strong leadership experience
  • Experience in the proposed asset class and geographic market
  • Demonstrated experience in managing individual investors


Updated as of October 7, 2022.